• 导读
  • "But do you realize that you will have to start with absolutely nothing? Deacon Pinkerton holds a mortgage on this house for all it will bring in the market, and I owe him arrears of interest besides."

  • 内容简介
  • 本书是关于一个男孩还有其他四个男孩的故事。故事的主人公在婴儿时期由于阴谋被送到了一个陌生女人那里去抚养,由于这个孩子的身世未知,这个女人给他取名叫弗兰克·福勒。这个女人还有一个女儿叫做格蕾丝,并且这女人对两个孩子都十分喜欢,男孩从未怀疑过自己的身世。但是这个女人死后,弗兰克的生活变得困难重重,他把格蕾丝交给邻居抚养,自己在经历了千辛万苦之后终于找到了自己真正的家。

    Small as Frank's income was, he had managed to live within it. It will be remembered that he had paid but fifty cents a week for a room. By great economy he had made his meals cost but two dollars a week, so that out of his three dollars he saved fifty cents. But this saving would not be sufficient to pay for his clothes. However, he had had no occasion to buy any as yet, and his little fund altogether amounted to twenty dollars.

  • 作者简介
  • 小霍雷肖•阿尔杰(Horatio Alger Jr.,1832年-1899年),美国儿童小说作家。作品有130部左右,大都是讲穷孩子如何通过勤奋和诚实获得财富和社会成功。

    Horatio Alger, Jr. (1834-99) was a prolific writer of dime novel stories for boys. From the debut of his first novel, Ragged Dick, in 1867, Alger was instrumental in establishing a new genre of dime novels known as the 'city story.' The genre arose out of the wide-spread urbanization that followed the Civil War and paralleled the rise of industrialism. Alger's stories heroicized the young street urchins living in poverty among large, urban centers such as New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. With uncommon courage and moral fortitude, Alger's youths struggle against adversity to achieve great wealth and acclaim. These rags to riches stories were enormously popular with the public and flourished in the decades from 1870 to 1890.