• 导读
  • 本书属于《人间喜剧》的一部分,但是故事情节却是一部人间惨剧。一名曾经立下汗马功劳的上校死里逃生后却得不到社会的承认,备受人世冷酷无情的摧残。这篇故事,揭示了人性的罪恶,同时也证明了社会的腐败和法律的无力。

  • 内容简介
  • 这是又一幕惊心动魄的人间惨剧,其惨烈的程度比高老头之死有过之而无不及。一个曾立下卓越战功、被认为已经阵亡的帝国上校,死里逃生以后竟得不到社会的承认,一旦说出真实姓名就被当成疯子,甚至被关进疯人院。他的妻子靠他留下的财产,享受着豪华奢侈的生活,改嫁了一个有权势的丈夫。为了保住现有的地位,她不惜设圈套、耍手腕,迫使第一个丈夫继续充当“死者”,放弃返回社会的打算,最后甚至利用权势,把自己的结发丈夫作为精神病患者送进病残人收容所。这篇故事,既揭露了自私自利的欲念如何使人变得残酷无情,同时也证明了面对社会的腐败、不公,法律是何等软弱无力。

    It is an 1832 novella by French novelist and playwright Honoré de Balzac. It is included in his series of novels (or Roman-fleuve) known as The Human Comedy.This novella, originally published in Le Constitutionnel, was adapted for six different motion pictures, including two silent films.Balzac juxtaposes two world-views: the Napoleonic value-system, founded on honour and military valour; and that of the Restoration.

  • 作者简介
  • 巴尔扎克是19世纪法国伟大的批判现实主义作家,欧洲批判现实主义文学的奠基人和杰出代表。一生创作96部长、中、短篇小说和随笔,总名为《人间喜剧》。其中代表作为《欧也妮•葛朗台》、《高老头》。100多年来,他的作品传遍了全世界,对世界文学的发展和人类进步产生了巨大的影响。

    Honoré de Balzac was a French novelist and playwright. His magnum opus was a sequence of short stories and novels collectively entitled Human Comedy, which presents a panorama of French life in the years after the 1815 fall of Napoleon Bonaparte.Due to his keen observation of detail and unfiltered representation of society, Balzac is regarded as one of the founders of realism in European literature. He is renowned for his multifaceted characters, who are morally ambiguous.

  • 目录
    • Colonel Chabert