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  • 堕落为衣冠禽兽的人类还有救么?

  • 内容简介
  • 本文从描写“巴黎之眼”入手,批判了巴黎人对物质的崇尚以及虚荣。法国商人花言巧语地招揽顾客。他们对顾客的心理了如指掌,将顾客玩于鼓掌之上。使得顾客心甘情愿的掉进他们设下的陷阱里。人和人的关系就如同交易和销售一样。巴尔扎克在这部短篇小说中深刻揭露和批判了社会的黑暗面。他很早已经清醒地认识到金钱在资木主义社会中的巨大作用。在他的短篇小说中,金钱的作用得到了淋漓尽致的描绘。人物性格极为鲜明突出。他通过对生活环境的描写来塑造人物性格,因为他深信人是环境的产物。他一直坚持现实主义的基本原则。

    This short story starts by describing the “eyes of Paris”. It has illustrated the fact that people in France are becoming more and more materialistic. The salesmen find every way to solicit customers to buy things. They persuade them in an ingratiating manner with clever talk. They know their customers well, making them caught in the commercial trap willingly. This story is an attempt to comprehend and depict the realities of life in contemporary bourgeois France. His short stories have profound significance on social criticism. He criticizes the social injustice and the dark side. Balzac has long since realized the supremacy of money in capitalist society. In his short stories, the might of money is fully shown.

  • 作者简介
  • 奥诺雷·德·巴尔扎克,法国小说家,法国19世纪伟大的批判现实主义作家,被称为现代法国小说之父。一生创作101部长、中、短篇小说和随笔,总名为《人间喜剧》。其中代表作为《欧仁妮·葛朗台》、《高老头》。

    Honoré de Balzac (20 May 1799 —18 August 1850) was a French novelist and playwright. He is generally regarded as a founding-father of realism in European fiction. His large output of works, collectively entitled The Human Comedy (La Comidie Humaine), consists of 95 finished works (stories, novels and essays) and 48 unfinished works, which presents a panorama of French life in the years after the 1815 fall of Napoleon. His masterpieces: Eugenie Grandet and Father Goriot.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 巴尔扎克作品里的人物性格都极为鲜明突出。他通过对生活环境的描写来塑造人物性格,因为他深信人是环境的产物。他一直坚持这一现实主义基本原则。

  • 媒体书评
  • 通过《人间喜剧》,巴尔扎克“提供了一部法国‘社会’特别是巴黎‘上流社会’的卓越的现实主义历史。”他的作品“是对上流社会必然崩溃的一曲无尽的挽歌”,“他看到了他心爱的贵族们灭亡的必然性”。——恩格斯

    Along with Flaubert, Balzac is generally regarded as a founding-father of realism in European fiction.

  • 目录
    • 戈迪萨尔二世