• 导读
  • 这部书的出版确立了里柯克在加拿大文学史上独特而不可动摇的地位,《加拿大经典文库》编委会称之为“一部经典——欣赏加拿大文学必读之书”。它原本是为加拿大读者写的,但却受到了全世界读者的喜爱,已被公认为是里柯克最主要的代表作之一。

    Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town is a sequence of stories by Stephen Leacock, first published in 1912. It is generally considered to be one of the most enduring classics of Canadian humorous literature. The fictional setting for these stories is Mariposa, a small town on the shore of Lake Wissanotti. Although drawn from his experiences in Orillia, Ontario, Leacock notes: "Mariposa is not a real town. On the contrary, it is about seventy or eighty of them. You may find them all the way from Lake Superior to the sea, with the same square streets and the same maple trees and the same churches and hotels."

  • 内容简介
  • 这是一部由几个既有相对独立性又相互关联的短篇故事合成的长篇小说,它最初在《蒙特利尔之星》上连载,是里柯克应该刊主编爱德华·贝克之邀专门为加拿大读者写的以加拿大为背景的小说。在这部作品里,里柯克为我们塑造了一个牧歌情调与喜剧色彩交融的加拿大小镇——玛丽波莎镇,也为我们刻画了一群既可笑又可爱的镇民——玛丽波莎人。

    This work has remained popular for its universal appeal. Many of the characters, though modelled on townspeople of Orillia, are small town archetypes. Their shortcomings and weaknesses are presented in a humorous but affectionate way. Often, the narrator exaggerates the importance of the events in Mariposa compared to the rest of the world. For example, when there is a country-wide election, "the town of Mariposa, was, of course, the storm centre and focus point of the whole turmoil."

  • 作者简介
  • 斯蒂芬·巴特勒·里柯克,1887年他作为该校成绩最优秀的学生毕业并升入了多伦多大学。在大学期间,他把全部时间用到了多种语言的学习上。他每天攻读语言达十六个小时,两耳不闻窗外事。至理名言:站在巨人肩上的侏儒,很容易以为自己比巨人更高大。

    Stephen P. H Butler Leacock, FRSC (30 December 1869 – 28 March 1944) was a Canadian teacher, political scientist, writer, and humourist. Between the years 1910 and 1925, he was the most widely read English-speaking author in the world. He is known for his light humour along with criticisms of people's follies. The Stephen Leacock Memorial Medal for Humour was named in his honour.

  • 目录
    • Preface
    • One. The Hostelry of Mr. Smith
    • Two. The Speculations of Jefferson Thorpe
    • Three. The Marine Excursions of the Knights of Pythias
    • Four. The Ministrations of the Rev. Mr. Drone
    • Five. The Whirlwind Campaign in Mariposa
    • Six. The Beacon on the Hill
    • Seven. The Extraordinary Entanglement of Mr. Pupkin
    • Eight. The Fore-ordained Attachment of Zena Pepperleigh and Peter Pupkin
    • Nine. The Mariposa Bank Mystery
    • Ten. The Great Election in Missinaba County
    • Eleven. The Candidacy of Mr. Smith
    • Twelve. L'Envoi. The Train to Mariposa