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  • 战争是古典文化的核心,在古典时代,一切都可能让人想起战争。

  • 内容简介
  • 从烽烟四起的古代战场到战事更迭的现代世界,似乎有一种“西方式战争”的观念贯穿始终,即西方人纪律严明、勇气可嘉、惯用阵地战摧毁敌人的有生力量,并常立于不败之地。这种观念符合历史的实际吗?本书通过探寻隐藏于文学、艺术、宗教等文化编码中的西方意识形态对“西方式战争”的历史渊源作了饶有兴味的剖析,并以此为切入点对社会道德、人性及生命价值进行了深刻的思索。

    Greek and Roman warfare was unlike that of any other culture before or since. The key difference is often held to be that the Greeks and Romans practiced a "Western Way of War," in which the aim is an open, decisive battle--won by courage instilled, in part, by discipline. Here, Harry Sidebottom looks at how this Western Way of War was constructed and maintained by the Greeks and Romans and why this concept is so prevalent today.All aspects of ancient warfare are thoroughly examined--from philosophy and strategy to the technical skills needed to fight. Sidebottom examines war in the wider context, showing how wars were able to shape classical society, and how an individual's identity was sometimes constructed by war, as in the case of the Christian soldier fighting in God's name. He also explores the ways in which ancient society thought about conflict: Can a war be just? Why was siege warfare particularly bloody? What role did divine intervention play in the outcome of a battle? Taking fascinating examples from the iliad, Tacitus, and the Persian Wars, Sidebottom uses arresting anecdotes and striking visual images to show that any understanding of ancient war is an ongoing process of interpretation.

  • 作者简介
  • 哈里·西德博特姆博士,牛津大学林肯学院古代史讲师,华威大学古典学及古代史兼职讲师。曾在《古典学季刊》、《罗马研究杂志》及《罗马世界的战争与社会》等学术期刊及论著中发表论文多篇。

    Harry Sidebottom is Lecturer in Ancient History at Merton College, Oxford, and part-time lecturer in Classics and Ancient History at the University of Warwick. He has written for and contributed to many publications, including Classical Review, Journal of Roman Studies, and War and Society in the Roman World.

  • 目录
    • 版权页
    • 前言
    • 第一章 “看到我的信号就进攻”:西方式战争?
    • 第二章 战争思维
    • 第三章 战争与社会
    • 第四章 思考战争
    • 第五章 战略
    • 第六章 战斗
    • 第七章 “一旦战败,就应认命”:西方式战争的重塑
    • 年表