讲 师:
- 雪莱·卡根
译 者:
gaofei_828, phonex53, 金研, Cmmmleave, To0虾米, JJPP, fourleaflet, Edithsu, kerry_xu_cs, Alvinwcq, whujulius, Darrencui, athran88, xixi8510, scarrrr, vincent.yy, 依兰, 小新, tbhere, 傅莉迪, Analeigh, VK, 冻结, DayDay, 奇诺PJL, jaja04200125, 小小, 忘川, 柠檬meg, 素书
学 校:
来 源:
语 言:
- 试 读 领 取
The first half of the class is going to be concerned with questions about the nature of death. What happens when we die? Indeed, to get at that question, the first thing we're going to think about is what are we? What kind of an entity is a person? In particular, do we have souls, and for this class talking about a soul, what the professor is going to mean is sort of a bit of philosophical jargon. He is going to mean something immaterial, something distinct from our bodies. Do we have immaterial souls, something that might survive the death of our body? And if not, what does that imply about the nature of death? What kind of an event is death? What is it for us to survive? What would it mean for us to survive our death? What does it mean for people to survive tonight?
There is one thing I can be sure of: I am going to die. But what am I to make of that fact? This course will examine a number of issues that arise once we begin to reflect on our mortality. The possibility that death may not actually be the end is considered. Are we, in some sense, immortal? Would immortality be desirable? Also a clearer notion of what it is to die is examined. What does it mean to say that a person has died? What kind of fact is that? And, finally, different attitudes to death are evaluated. Is death an evil? How? Why? Is suicide morally permissible? Is it rational? How should the knowledge that I am going to die affect the way I live my life?
- 第1讲 课程介绍
- 第2讲 二元论与物理主义
- 第3讲 灵魂存在与否的论证(一)
- 第4讲 柏拉图对话录《斐多篇》介绍(一),灵魂存在与否的论证(二)
- 第5讲 灵魂存在与否的论证(三):自由意志与濒死体验
- 第6讲 灵魂存在与否的论证(四):柏拉图(二)
- 第7讲 柏拉图(二):灵魂永恒与否的论证
- 第8讲 柏拉图 (三) :灵魂永恒与否的论证(续)
- 第9讲 柏拉图 (四) :灵魂永恒与否的论证(续)
- 第10讲 人格同一性(一):跨越时空的同一性 和 灵魂理论
- 第11讲 人格同一性(二):肉体理论及人格理论
- 第12讲 人格同一性(三):人格理论的异议
- 第13讲 人格同一性(四):本质因素何在?
- 第14讲 本质因素何在(续)、死亡的本质(一)
- 第15讲 死亡的本质(续):请相信你将死去
- 第16讲 独自死亡、死亡之害(一)
- 第17讲 死亡之害(二):剥夺性解释
- 第18讲 死亡之害(三):不朽性(一)
- 第19讲 不朽性(二):生命的价值(一)
- 第20讲 生命的价值(二):死亡的其它坏处(一)
- 第21讲 死亡的其它坏处(二)
- 第22讲 对死亡的恐惧
- 第23讲 如何面对死亡
- 第24讲 自杀(一):自杀的合理性
- 第25讲 自杀(二):犹豫不决的决定
- 第26讲 自杀(三):自杀的道德评判以及全章总结
- Lecture 1 Course Introduction
- Lecture 2 The Nature of Persons: Dualism vs. Physicalism
- Lecture 3 Arguments for the Existence of the Soul, Part I
- Lecture 4 Introduction to Plato's Phaedo; Arguments for the Existence of the Soul, Part II
- Lecture 5 Arguments for the Existence of the Soul, Part III: Free Will and Near-Death Experiences
- Lecture 6 Arguments for the Existence of the Soul, Part IV; Plato, Part I
- Lecture 7 Plato, Part II: Arguments for the Immortality of the Soul
- Lecture 8 Plato, Part III: Arguments for the Immortality of the Soul (cont.)
- Lecture 9 Plato, Part IV: Arguments for the Immortality of the Soul (cont.)
- Lecture 10 Personal Identity, Part I: Identity Across Space and Time and the Soul Theory
- Lecture 11 Personal Identity, Part II: The Body Theory and the Personality Theory
- Lecture 12 Personal Identity, Part III: Objections to the Personality Theory
- Lecture 13 Personal Identity, Part IV: What Matters?
- Lecture 14 - What Matters (cont.); The Nature of Death, Part I
- Lecture 15 The Nature of Death (cont.); Believing You Will Die
- Lecture 16 Dying Alone; The Badness of Death, Part I
- Lecture 17 The Badness of Death, Part II: The Deprivation Account
- Lecture 18 The Badness of Death, Part III; Immortality, Part I
- Lecture 19 Immortality Part II; The Value of Life, Part I
- Lecture 20 The Value of Life, Part II; Other Bad Aspects of Death, Part I
- Lecture 21 Other Bad Aspects of Death, Part II
- Lecture 22 Fear of Death
- Lecture 23 How to Live Given the Certainty of Death
- Lecture 24 Suicide, Part I: The Rationality of Suicide
- Lecture 25 Suicide, Part II: Deciding under Uncertainty
- Lecture 26 Suicide, Part III: The Morality of Suicide and Course Conclusion