    Sherlock Holmes knew chemistry

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  • 阿瑟•柯南•道尔总共写了60个福尔摩斯探案故事,在大多数时间里,福尔摩斯和华生医生是在伦敦合住一处的。他们的生活反映了英国在那个时代出色的教育水平。发生在贝克街221b号的谈话充满了诸如无理数、圆锥曲线、欧几里德第五定理之类的数学术语。我们还会听到一些天文学的名词:如黄赤交角和小行星动力学等等。但从本质上说,福尔摩斯是一个化学家。早在华生遇到福尔摩斯之前,小斯坦弗就告诉他,福尔摩斯“是个一流的化学家”。几乎每一个故事都会提到某种化学物质,例如锌和铜这类化学元素,乃至硫酸、“提尔紫”染料等化工原料,都包括在内。当然,故事里也提到了各种毒药,有些还被用于谋杀。

    Doyle wrote a total of 60 Holmes stories and most of the time Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson share lodgings in London. Their very lives reflect the superior English education of that era. At 221b Baker Street the conversation is full of mathematical terms such as surds, conic sections, and the fifth proposition of Euclid. We hear about astronomy too: the obliquity of the ecliptic and the dynamics of asteroids. But Holmes is a chemist at heart. Before Watson even meets Holmes he is told by Young Stamford that Holmes “is a first-class chemist.” Almost every one of the tales contains a reference to some chemical. They range from elements like zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu), to industrial chemicals such as sulphuric acid and the dye Tyrian purple. Of course numerous poisons are mentioned, and several are used.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 在“福尔摩斯探案集”中,有很大一部分故事都涉及到了科学原理和知识,而根据各类排名,我们可以看出,涉及科学的内容明显更受读者的欢迎。甚至连柯南·道尔本人也不例外。夏洛克•福尔摩斯是每一个科学家都会喜欢的侦探,过去是,现在也是。

  • 目录
    • 精通化学的神探——福尔摩斯
    • Sherlock Holmes knew chemistry