• 导读
  • 自然神秘莫测,




  • 内容简介
  • 《论自然》是爱默生的第一部重要哲学著作,最初发表于1836年。它虽非作者成熟之作,但却集超验主义思想之大成,有新英格兰超验主义宣言的美称。全书由《前言》和《自然》等8章组成。在表达自然神秘的统一性时,爱默生提出了“超灵”的概念。

    Nature is an essay written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, and published by James Munroe and Company in 1836. In the essay Emerson put forth the foundation of transcendentalism, a belief system that espouses a non-traditional appreciation of nature. Transcendentalism suggests that the divine, or God, suffuses nature, and suggests that reality can be understood by studying nature.

  • 作者简介
  • 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生是美国思想家、文学家,诗人。爱默生是确立美国文化精神的代表人物,美国总统林肯称他为“美国的孔子”、“美国文明之父”。他的诗歌、散文独具特色,注重思想内容而没有过分注重词藻的华丽,行文犹如格言,哲理深入浅出,说服力强,且有典型的“爱默生风格”。代表作品有《论文集》、《生命》、《代表人物》、《英国人的特性》、《诗集》等。

    Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American essayist, lecturer, philosopher, and poet who led the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century. He was seen as a champion of individualism and a prescient critic of the countervailing pressures of society, and he disseminated his thoughts through dozens of published essays and more than 1,500 public lectures across the United States.

  • 目录
    • Introduction
    • Chapter I NATURE
    • Chapter II COMMODITY
    • Chapter III BEAUTY
    • Chapter IV LANGUAGE
    • Chapter V DISCIPLINE
    • Chapter VI IDEALISM
    • Chapter VII SPIRIT
    • Chapter VIII PROSPECTS