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  • 想要通过科学的训练方法提高您的思维能力吗?快进来看看吧!

    How We Think by John Dewey is a classic book about thinking. The contents of Dewey's book are applicable to innovation, learning, business management, and many other fields. John Dewey's view of thinking, and thinking skills, as elaborated in "How We Think" is surprisingly fresh and consistent. Dewey warns against the confusion of mental analysis (looking for the general aspects of an object) with physical analysis (dissection into parts), which leads to the study of living objects as if they were dead. John Dewey's thought is the essence of systems thinking, which is so fashionable today. In "How We Think," John Dewey also concludes that we can be taught to "think well" and discusses how. Starting with beliefs and the consequences they bring about, Dewey suggests that knowledge is relative to its interaction with the world, concluding in the end that real freedom is intellectual. According to Dewey, the act of thinking itself is in many cases more important than what is being thought about. Dewey's analysis of thought will help readers to consider important elements of thinking (and writing) such as: (1) the iterative "ebb and flow" between inductive and deductive thinking; (2) what is necessary to train their minds to think better. Though written years ago, "How We Think" is an easy book to read and well worth the time spent on it.

  • 内容简介
  • 《我们如何思维》探讨了人类思维的本质。作者运用大量日常生活中的案例,详细阐述了我们进行思维时的不同过程。全书共三部分,第一部分“思维训练的问题”,说明什么是思维以及思维训练的重要意义;第二部分“逻辑的探讨”论述了逻辑上概念判断、推理、具象与抽象思维、经验与科学思维等方法;第三部分“思维的训练”讨论了如何从活动、语言、观察、课堂教学等方面发挥儿童的好奇心、想象力,培养他们科学的思维方法。

    How We Think by John Dewey is a classic book about thinking. The contents of Dewey's book are applicable to innovation, learning, business management, and many other fields. John Dewey's view of thinking, and thinking skills, as elaborated in "How We Think" is surprisingly fresh and consistent. Dewey warns against the confusion of mental analysis (looking for the general aspects of an object) with physical analysis (dissection into parts), which leads to the study of living objects as if they were dead. John Dewey's thought is the essence of systems thinking, which is so fashionable today. In "How We Think," John Dewey also concludes that we can be taught to "think well" and discusses how. Starting with beliefs and the consequences they bring about, Dewey suggests that knowledge is relative to its interaction with the world, concluding in the end that real freedom is intellectual. According to Dewey, the act of thinking itself is in many cases more important than what is being thought about. Dewey's analysis of thought will help readers to consider important elements of thinking (and writing) such as: (1) the iterative "ebb and flow" between inductive and deductive thinking; (2) what is necessary to train their minds to think better. Though written years ago, "How We Think" is an easy book to read and well worth the time spent on it.

  • 作者简介
  • 约翰•杜威(John Dewey)是实用主义的集大成者。一位评论家说他是“神圣实用主义家族的家长”(M.怀特)。如果说皮尔士创立了实用主义的方法,威廉•詹姆斯建立了实用主义的真理观,那么,杜威则建造了实用主义的理论大厦。他的著作很多,涉及科学、艺术、宗教伦理、政治、教育、社会学、历史学和经济学诸方面,使实用主义成为美国特有的文化现象。

    John Dewey, FAA (October 20, 1859 – June 1, 1952) was an American philosopher, psychologist, leading activist in the Georgist movement, and educational reformer whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform. Dewey is one of the primary figures associated with the philosophy of pragmatism and is considered one of the founders of functional psychology. A well-known public intellectual, he was also a major voice of progressive education and liberalism. Although Dewey is known best for his publications about education, he also wrote about many other topics, including epistemology, metaphysics, aesthetics, art, logic, social theory, and ethics.

  • 目录
    • Part One: The Problem of Training Thought
    • Part Two: Logical Considerations
    • Part Three: The Training of Thought