Lang's fairy tales are the treasures of the world's classical fairy tales. It was translated into more than 20 languages published in the world, and generation after generation of children are attracted by its charm. Compared with Andersen's fairy tales and Grimms' fairy tales, Lang's fairy tales are a collection of traditional myths and classic fairy tales from different countries in the world.
- 作者简介
- 序
- 冰雪王
- 瞪羚
- 金鹅
- 小子娶公主
- 被施了魔法的金丝雀
- 太阳的女儿
- 科嘉塔国王
- 螃蟹和猴子
- 王子和三个预言
- 为什么大海是咸的
- 从蛋壳里出来的女孩
- 英文原文
- The Story of King Frost
- The Story of a Gazelle
- The Golden Goose
- How the Hermit Helped to Win the King's Daughter
- The Enchanted Canary
- The Sunchild
- King Kojata
- The Crab and the Monkey
- The Prince and the Three Fates
- Why the Sea Is Salt
- The Child Who Came from an Egg
- 美轮美奂的世界童话
- 版权页
- 书评 写书评
- 笔记