- 利用DASI探测宇宙微波背景的偏振
- 太阳系外行星HD209458b扩展的高层大气研究
- 宇宙微波背景和大尺度结构的相关
- 来自一颗系外行星的红外辐射
- 类地行星激变晚期重轰击期的起源
- 惠更斯空间探测器下落至土卫六表面过程中的雨、风和雾霾
- 通过微引力透镜发现一颗5.5倍地球质量的冷行星
- 长伽马射线暴与核坍缩超新星具有不同的环境
- GRB 060218与一个超新星成协以及激波的演化
- Detection of Polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background Using DASI
- An Extended Upper Atmosphere Around the Extrasolar Planet HD209458b
- A Correlation between the Cosmic Microwave Background and Large-scale Structure in the Universe
- Infrared Radiation from an Extrasolar Planet
- Origin of the Cataclysmic Late Heavy Bombardment Period of the Terrestrial Planets
- Rain, Winds and Haze during the Huygens Probe's Descent to Titan's Surface
- Discovery of a Cool Planet of 5.5 Earth Masses through Gravitational Microlensing
- Long γ-ray Bursts and Core-collapse Supernovae Have Different Environments
- The Association of GRB 060218 with a Supernova and the Evolution of the Shock Wave
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