    Nature: The Living Record of Science (Engineering Science)

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  • 《<自然>百年科学经典》第一卷收录了1869年至1930年发表在《自然》杂志上的经典论文,涵盖了物理、化学、生物、天文、地球科学等学科,共计106篇。自《自然》杂志1869年创刊至1930年这段时间,物理学、生物学等领域均出现了突破性的进展:巴斯德研究发现导致家蚕微粒子病的病原微生物;格雷发明通过电流传送音符的装置——电话;达特发现汤恩头骨并提出南方古猿非洲种的命名;戴维森和革末发现电子的散射现象;拉曼发现反常散射现象——拉曼效应;狄拉克预言正电子的存在……


    The first volume of Nature: The Living Record of Science included the classic papers published in the Nature magazine from 1869 to 1930. It contains 106 articles, which including physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy and earth science. Since the publication of the Nature in 1869 to 1930, breakthrough advances have emerged in the fields of physics, biology, and other fields: Pasteur studies the pathogenic microbes that lead to the disease of the Bombyx mori; Gray invented the device to transmit notes through the current - telephone. Raymond Dart found a skull in Taung and named the species Australopithecus Africanus; Davidson and Germer found the scattering of electrons; Raman found the anomalous scattering phenomenon - the Raman effect; Dirac predicted the existence of the positron...

    The natural magnificant science over hundred years is all in this volume!

  • 内容简介
  • 《〈自然〉百年科学经典(第一卷)(英汉对照版)》收录并翻译了国际综合性学术期刊《自然》自1869年创刊至1930年期间发表过的106篇精华论文,再现了十九世纪末至二十世纪初40多年的科学发展,展现了物理、化学、生物、天文、地球科学等领域的研究人员艰辛跋涉、不断探索的历史足迹。该册为工程科学分册。

    Nature: The Living Record of Science (first volume) contains and translates 106 essays published by the international academic journal Nature from 1869 to 1930, which reproduces the scientific development of the 40 years from the end of nineteenth Century to the early twentieth Century, and shows that researchers in the field of physical, chemical, biological, astronomical, astronomical, geosciences and so on have been trudging hard and exploring continuously. This volume is a branch of engineering science.

  • 作者简介
  • 达尔文、爱因斯坦、沃森、克里克、霍金、麦克斯韦等顶尖科学家都是本套丛书这些经典文献的作者,本套丛书由著名美籍华裔物理学家、诺贝尔物理学奖获得者李政道担任总顾问,全国人大常委会副委员长、时任中科院院长路甬祥担任中方主编,《自然》杂志前任主编约翰•马多克斯爵士(Sir John Maddox)和《自然》杂志现任主编菲利普•坎贝尔(Philip Campbell)担任英方主编。

    Darwin, Einstein, Watson, Crick, Hawking, Maxwell, and other top scientists are the authors of this series of books; the famous Chinese American physicists, Nobel physics prize winner Tsung Dao Lee took the chair of the general adviser. While the deputy chairman of the NPC regular Committee, the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Lu Yongxiang served as the Chinese editor in chief, the former editor of Sir John Maddox and the current editor in chief of Nature magazine Philip Campbell contributed as the British editor in chief.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 十卷本《<自然>百年科学经典》(英汉对照版)是国内第一套英汉双语对照版的《自然》论文精选集,汇集了《自然》杂志自1869年创刊以来近150年间自然科学各领域(生物、物理、化学、天文、材料、基础医学、地球科学等)的重大发现和发明。每篇文章均配有《自然》杂志资深编辑所撰写的简短导读,中文译文由国内各领域的科研工作人员及科学家审稿把关。通过这套论文选集的独特视角,读者可以了解过去一个多世纪以来科学的前沿和热点经历了怎样的变迁,这通常能够折射出当时更为广阔的社会和政治生活的变化趋势。

  • 媒体书评
  • The ten volume book, Nature: The Living Record of Science is the first collection of Chinese Bilingual edition of Nature, which brings together the significant articles, great discoveries and inventions in all fields of Natural Science (biology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, material, basic medicine, earth science, etc.) that published on Natural magazine since the publication of the Nature since 1869. Each article is equipped with a short guide written by the senior editor of Nature magazine. The Chinese translation is checked by scientific researchers and scientists from various fields in China. Through the unique perspective of this set of papers, readers can understand how the frontiers and hot spots of science have changed over the past century, which usually reflects the broader trends in social and political life at that time.

  • 目录
    • 苏伊士运河
    • 苏伊士运河
    • 通向印度的运河之路
    • 电话:一种利用电流传送音符的仪器
    • 远程电视系统
    • 《自然》的宗旨
    • 长度单位
    • 1870年的科学发展状况
    • The Suez Canal
    • The Suez Canal
    • The Isthmian Way to India
    • On the Telephone, an Instrument for Transmitting Musical Notes by Means of Electricity
    • Distant Electric Vision
    • Nature’s Aims
    • The Unit Of Length
    • Progress of Science in 1870