• 内容简介
  • Lavender language相当于一种同性恋密码,以使用缩略字、文字游戏以及双关语为特点,主要服务于同性恋人群内的沟通交流,所以称为“同性恋语言”。




    Lavender language functions as a kind of homosexual code, characterised by acronyms, plays on words and double meanings only intended to be understood by the gay community.

    The colour lavender is often used to identify 'gay-friendly' environments, hence its use in terminology surrounding gay issues.

    Pink tourism, also known as gay tourism or LGBT tourism, is a form of niche tourism marketed to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.

    "Coming out," however, has long been used in the gay community, but it first meant something different than it does now.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 如今同性恋已不是什么避讳的话题,有些公共人物或明星,甚至可以公开宣布自己的同性取向。那么同性恋者如何在茫茫人海中辨认出自己的伴侣?“同性恋感应雷达”是怎么回事?“出柜”一词你听说过吗?同性恋群体还有哪些特定语言?本期内容为您解码同性恋语言,同时附带爆料一则消息:性感女神玛丽莲·梦露也是同性恋!且曾与多名女星有染!

  • 目录
    • 『一』同性恋语言
    • 『二』“出柜”说法从何而来?
    • 『三』什么是“粉色旅游”?
    • 『四』同性恋都有“感应雷达”
    • 『五』爆料:梦露是同性恋 曾与多名女星有染
    • lavender language
    • Where did the phrase 'come out of the closet' come from?
    • What is
    • About
    • 'Ultimate sex symbol for men' Marilyn Monroe 'may have been lesbian'