    Health Library — It's not all in Your Head: Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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    • Pankaj教授
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  • 课程简介
  • 本讲座主要讲述肠道易激综合症。肠易激综合症是以症状为基础进行定义的。它为慢性病,一般在半年、甚至几年后复发,会困扰患者一生。典型症状是下腹疼痛或不适,并伴随肠道功能改变,奇怪的是这种改变可能会导致便秘或腹泻。更难以理解的是,同一个患者可能表现出两种症状。

    This lecture talks about irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome is defined on the basis of symptoms and these are chronic and recur typically more than six months and often several years if not the life time of the patient, and the typical symptoms are lower abdominal pain or discomfort coupled with altered bowel function and mysteriously this alteration of bowel function can either be constipation or diarrhea and then more mysteriously in the same patient it could be both.

  • 讲师简介
  • Pankaj Pasricha,医学博士,是一名肠胃病学和肝病学教授。

    Pankaj Pasricha, M.D., is a professor of gastroenterology and hepatology.