• 内容简介
  • 法国游客数量为世界之最,稳定的旅游收入是低迷的法国经济的一大亮点。巴黎一直为热恋中的情侣和高端消费者所亲睐,但近来中国游客在巴黎遭遇扒手和劫匪的报道骤然增多,使其形象大跌。一位巴黎警官告诉英国媒体,今年第一季度针对中国籍游客的轻度犯罪比一年前增长了22%。他说,罪犯瞄准亚洲游客是因为知道他们身上携带有大量现金。


    France is the world's most-visited country and solid tourism revenues are a bright spot in its depressed economy. But reports of pickpockets and muggers targeting Chinese tourists have soared of late, tarnishing the French capital's image as a favored destination for love-struck couples and high-end shoppers. Petty crimes against Chinese nationals jumped 22 percent in the first quarter from a year earlier, a Paris police official told Reuters. He said Asian tourists were targeted because they were known to carry a lot of cash on them.

    Police recently issued a “Guide to staying safe in Paris” - translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Spanish - advising tourists to carry a minimum of cash, favor small banknotes and watch out for gangs of teenagers, commonly from eastern Europe, who pick pockets while conducting phoney petitions. At the Louvre, tourists can now file legal complaints directly on site in 16 languages without going to the police.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 法国是中国富翁的首选旅游地。去年约有140万中国游客来到法国,比2011年上升了23%。但是,包括香奈儿、路易•威登、迪奥和爱马仕在内的75个法国奢侈品牌5月份发出警告称,中国顾客现在更愿意去伦敦或米兰,因为他们觉得巴黎很危险。


  • 目录
    • 巴黎窃贼瞄准中国游客 反扒指南为你支招
    • 法国巴黎加强安保措施 消除中国游客疑虑
    • Chinese tourists targeted in Paris pickpocketing spate
    • Paris ramps up tourist security amid Chinese concerns