'No, Jerry, no!' said the messenger, harping on one theme as he rode. 'It wouldn't do for you, Jerry. Jerry, you honest tradesman, it wouldn't suit your line of business! Recalled—! Bust me if I don't think he'd been a drinking!' 去书内

  • 董星语 董星语

    Among many different kinds of people in the story, it is Sydney Carton who impressed me most。I was moved by Carton's deep love. He and Charles both fell in love with Lucy, but there was always one more love than was needed. After Charles was arrested, Carton took advantage of Charles' similar face to go to the guillotine for the sake of the girl he loved and died for love.“To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world. "Carton's love for Lucy is great and unrequited, and he only wants Lucy to "think of someone from time to time". Carton's humanitarianism adds to the romanticism of the novel by showing that he sacrifices himself for love in the knowledge that love is fruitless. “For you,for the one you love, I am willing to do anything.If there is any opportunity that worth for me to sacrifice in my life,I rather sacrifice for you and those that you love.”

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