Mr Lorry knew Miss Pross to be very jealous, but he also knew her by this time to be, beneath the surface of her eccentricity, one of those unselfish creatures—found only among women—who will, for pure love and admiration, bind themselves willing slaves, to youth when they have lost it 去书内

  • March20th March20th

    in this passage, Mr Lorry thought Miss Pross would be very jealous of Manette and hundreds of people who come here looking after Lucie, seize her love and trouble her but are not at all worthy of her. However, Miss Pross is never jealous of Lucie---also her “Ladybird” who has the youth she have lost, the beauty she never had, and accomplishments that she were never fortunate enough to gain. Her pure love and admiration to Lucie causes her jealousy of hundreds of people as she think they are not at all worthy of Lucie, but also brings her fidelity of the heart to Lucie and unselfish companion for years as a willing slave. In my view, Miss Pross, just like Carton as a symbol of Humanitarianism which is extolled by Dickens, has no beautiful performance or fortunate life but is kind, faithful and selfless. Nowadays, we can also view Miss Pross as an example of great love and learn her high quality.

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