the learned tell us it is doubtful whether their rays have even yet discovered it, as a point in space where anything is suffered or done: the shadows of the night were broad and black. All through the cold and restless interval, until dawn, they once more whispered in the ears of Mr Jarvis Lorry—sitting opposite the buried man who had been dug out, and wondering what subtle powers were for ever lost to him, and what were capable of restoration—the old inquiry 去书内

  • 温茶 温茶

    Dr Manette is an ideal image that the author tries his best to portray. Dr. Manette has excellent medical skills, good heart and integrity. He is an intellectual who sympathizes with the plight of the poor people. Dickens regards the doctor as the embodiment of his ideal, and expresses his ideal of solving various practical problems, alleviating social contradictions and sharp conflicts by means of "good for evil". The author firmly believes that tolerance, kindness and benevolence can effectively resolve all kinds of sharp class conflicts in real life, resolve the fierce conflicts between the lower working people and the upper aristocracy, and enable them to coexist harmoniously.

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