I finally left Luggnagg on a boat sailing to Japan. From there I found a ship which was returning to England. My voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Glubbdubdrib and Luggnagg had taken me away from home for five and a half years. 去书内

  • 杨嘉诚 杨嘉诚

    Volume 3: Those on the Enclave do not work all day, but think only of mathematics and astronomy, and test the exploitation of colonial sustenance. The noblewomen who fled the enclave would rather suffer and be poor on earth than be carefree in the sky_! All sorts of bizarre scientific experiments messing with the people, cucumbers separating sunlight, dung extracting food, etc. Conversations with historical figures that put to shame the blasphemous interpretations of the saints' texts and the biographical fabrications.

    2022-11-27 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 橘络 橘络

    I also want to go on a trip. How cool

    2022-11-22 喜欢(0) 回复(0)