negative, and then for the first time it occurred to Angel that her pride had stood in her way, and that she had suffered privation. From his remarks his parents now gathered the real reason of the separation; and their Christianity was such that, reprobates being their especial care, the tenderness towards Tess which her blood, her simplicity, even her poverty, had not engendered, was instantly excited by her sin. Whilst he was hastily packing together a few articles for his journey, he glanced over a poor plain missive also lately come to hand — the one from Marian and Izz Huett, beginning — 去书内

  • 用户677850 用户677850

    Summary: Tess marks the birth of a new image of agricultural workers. Despite her intellectual weakness, her perseverance and self sacrifice in the face of disasters made her a tragic figure. Anji Clay is an image of bourgeois hypocritical morality, and in a philosophical sense, he is an idealist. His ideology is contradictory, and the idealistic love that deviates from objective reality is the result of the contradiction between reality and ideals. Yar é d'Urberville is a bourgeois and nouveau riche figure who thrives on business. He is a "carnal person" in contrast to Angel Clay, a "spiritual person". His play with Tess demonstrates the hypocrisy of bourgeois religion. Anji worships, admires, and pursues her, mentally destroying her. Ale Deber uses despicable and shameful means to take her into his own possession. In them, the multiplicity of human nature was demonstrated, and they strangled Tess both mentally and physically. Tess regards Anji as a god and Yarei as a demon,.

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