"Therefore, I will not linger on the past. I will not let any gloomy moralising intrude upon us here to-night. Here we are gathered together for a brief moment from the bustle and rush of our everyday routine. We are met here as friends, in the spirit of good-fellowship, as colleagues, also to a certain extent, in the true spirit of camaraderie, and as the guests of — what shall I call them? — the Three Graces of the Dublin musical 去书内

  • 英本3班吴煌冰 英本3班吴煌冰

    因此,我不会留恋过去。今晚我不会让任何悲观的道德说教侵扰我们。在这里,我们从日常生活的忙碌和匆忙中聚集在一起,度过一个短暂的时刻。我们作为朋友,本着友谊的精神,作为同事,在某种程度上,也是本着真正的同志情谊的精神,作为我该怎么称呼他们的客人,在这里聚会。-都柏林音乐世界的三大魅力。” 听到这个暗

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