“Of comfortable fortune, with no need to do anything but take...” 全部笔记(2) 去书内
2013-06-18 喜欢(0) 回复(0)
“I thought that if ever a man needed a chance to rehabilitate...” 全部笔记(2) 去书内
““About one in ten thousand, or ten thousand million.” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
Maybe he just does not deserve that.
2013-06-18 喜欢(0) 回复(1)
“But Captain Dettmar’s mind was set on trouble.” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
“His wife, Minnie Duncan, was also declared an original,...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
That's what couples should do.
What's the fun in a comfort life?
Bunches of Knuckles