...就是如此 ..., as with sth.图画文字the pictographic hieroglyphs hieroglyph象形文字,象形符号(尤指古埃及等所用的文字): a picture or symbol of an object, representing a word, syllable or sound, especially as used in ancient Egyptian and other writing systems 甲骨文oracle-bone inscriptions Instead of a drawing, a few simple yet highly symbolic lines were used to depict the image of a dog. simple yet highly symbolic lines抽象的、有表现力的线条 篆书seal character (a type of Chinese calligraphy often 月亮照到了窗子上the moon shining through the window这是多么富有诗意的创造Is this not a poetic conception?诗意的创造a poetic conception感叹句用反问表示 汉字虽是象形字,但不是文字画。 Although Chinese is a pictographic language, it does not consist of language pictures.象形文字 pictographic languages
“for their homeland, relatives, and a peaceful life. 引例...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
inscriptions Instead of a drawing, a few simple yet highly symbolic lines were used to depict the image of a dog. simple yet highly symbolic lines抽象的、有表现力的线条 篆书seal character (a type of Chinese calligraphy often 月亮照到了窗子上the moon shining through the window这是多么富有诗意的创造Is this not a poetic conception?诗意的创造a poetic conception感叹句用反问表示 汉字虽是象形字,但不是文字画。 Although Chinese is a pictographic language, it does not consist of language pictures.象形文字 pictographic languages不是->不包含 does not consist of文字画language pictures世界上早期使用的象形文字多是文字画,文字画是描摹物像的外在特征。Early pictographic languages were mostly represented by language pictures, which imitated the external characteristics of things.是 represent 描摹物像的外在特征imitate the external characteristics of things描摹imitate carved on seals)
“āntǔ-zhònɡqiān 安土重迁” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
这样文字符号和图画的区别就不明显了。古埃及的图画文字就是如此。For these languages, language symbols were not much different from pictures, as with the pictographic hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt........就是如此 ..., as with sth.图画文字the pictographic hieroglyphs hieroglyph象形文字,象形符号(尤指古埃及等所用的文字): a picture or symbol of an object, representing a word, syllable or sound, especially as used in ancient Egyptian and other writing systems 甲骨文oracle-bone