
great gatsby

At the beginning of the novel, Gatsby, a former poor boy, had money in his hands and was "outstanding". Maybe he started with illegal brokerage and succeeded in material struggle, but it was not the main body of the novel. The writer only gave some hints. Gatsby mistakenly believes that happiness should follow the accumulation of wealth. He believed in the "American Dream" from his youth and fought for it, and kept the childishness necessary to maintain it. In his romantic imagination, the old lover Daisy is the embodiment of happiness. His first love with Daisy in his youth represents the Supreme ideal. Now, he has finally entered the ranks of the wealthy class, he wants to use his "bricks" to knock on the door of happiness. Gatsby opened the door of the villa, set up a feast of wine and generously entertained anyone who would like to go to eat and drink. He advertised his success in a foolish and ridiculous way. Even among the patrons who received his favor, there were people who sniffed at his absurd way of showing off his wealth. Gatsby is hopeful that he will "redeem" the lost youth, opportunities and love with heavy money, and regain Daisy with the qualifications and status of the new rich. Gatsby did conquer her for a while. However, Daisy can not be the embodiment of happiness and love, representing only the illusory and worthless things. Gatsby pursued an unattainable goal, and even with her, Gatsby could still face disillusionment. He dealt with the harsh reality of life in the most naive way, and finally suffered the consequences and was destroyed by dreams. From this story, we can see in parallel the author himself outside the story, as well as the "lost generation" writers who accompanied him. For this reason, Fitzgerald's attitude towards Gatsby is not entirely critical and negative, but sympathizes with him through Nick. Because he naively believed in the "American Dream" and hoped to get everything others could get, he did not fully estimate the ferocity of the competition for survival in capitalist society and did not resort to any means, and eventually he could not escape the bad luck. In the final analysis, he is also a victim. Tom Buchanan represents all the cruelty and violence in society. He has no feelings, but he has a solid social and economic status. He is a sophisticated man in the upper class, selfish and arbitrary, who can abandon morality and disregard human nature for his own benefit. Gatsby fought with him, far from an opponent. Tom slipped his wrist and killed him with a knife. At the end of the novel, Gatsby died and Nick left angrily. Only a man like Tom can survive in the spiritual desert of New York. In this novel, the author describes the kind of life he is familiar with, but jumps out of the circle of life, reveals and criticizes the social customs and spiritual state of the United States in the 1920s. Jay Gatsby first appeared as a mysterious figure, and then his history was gradually revealed in several retrospectives. As Gatsby became more and more known, his dream was gradually shattered - and his whole existence was built on the goal of striving for his dream. Symbolism is widely used in the novel. The most prominent examples are the "garbage valley" between the big rooms and the billboard with big eyes. "Garbage Valley" is a portrayal of the spiritual life of the rich, and the eyes of doctors have been watching what happens in front of them, but there is no way to save the epidemic in the United States. After reading this story, I can't help thinking that Gatsby thought that as long as he got enough wealth, he could get the happiness he wanted, but we don't have such a silly idea. There are many things in the world that money can't measure and can't buy. There are also many things that are not as beautiful as we imagine. While pursuing our dreams, we should also think rationally about whether it is what we really want.

