Treasure Island
"Treasure Island" tells of the 18th century British teenager Jim from the hands of dying sailor Pence in the hands of the legendary treasure island,with the support of the local squire organized expedition to Treasure Island.The pirate leader,John Silver,was on board the cook,and a group of men were on board as sailors.When he reached Treasure Island,Jim met Banne,a sailor who had been alone on the island for three years,while Silver launched a rebellion to occupy the sailboat.Jim was put on a sailboat,and Silver was rescued in crisis,thus contradicting other pirates.In the end,Dr.Lee worked with Banne to deal with the pirates,and also succeeded in obtaining the treasure.
For me, this book is certainly an interesting story.To sum up is a plot twist and tums, describing the image, the key words are treasure hunting, piracy and the story of the island.In the process of watching I have imagined the end,nothing but they must finally empty-handed return,to pick up their lives and lucky, and left a warning to pepole to think.Money, the most evil thing.Greed, the most human weakness.But to my surprise, they came home full! Everyone gets rich treasure,enough for them to live a few rich lives.The people who had been given the treasure had lived a diffrerent life. Some had retired and enjoyed their old age, some had become co-owners and cheif officers of high-ranking merchant ships, and others had squandered their wealth into beggars in nineteen days.
It can be seen that wealth is not a scourge,but it is not entirely a blessing.What really determines your destiny, which portrays your life,is ultimately yourself.