
All characters written by Hemingway are Tough guy.

Mr. and Mrs. Elliot, My Old Man, Great News from the Mainland and Old Man at the Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot is a sad story. Mr.Elliot and Mrs. Elliot want to give birth to a baby but they havenot a baby all the time. My Old Man is a positive story. "my" father is a horse rider. He is humorous and lives a relaxing life. "My" father teaches "me" how to be a professional horse rider by his own experiences.We can perceive a father’s love towrads his son and this father’s positive attitude towards life. Great News from the Mainland tells what the father talks to his son when his son is under electric shock treatment. Also, it records what this father talks with his son’s doctor. In Old Man at the Bridge, the author describes a worn-out old man who is fleeing from calamity. The author reveals the evil of the war as well as appreciates the kind humanity of human beings.

