    Classic Writings of Ernest Hemingway (Vol II)

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  • ¥4.90

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  • 人生如戏,场场不同,所谓人生,不过是你方唱罢我登场而已。

    These four works describe entirely different lives. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot is a sad story, for the couple cannot get a baby even if they have tried their best. However, My Old Man is a positive story. We can perceive a father's love towrads his son and this father's positive attitude towards life. In Great News from the Mainland, the protagonist's son is under treatment and getting better. However, the two paragraphs of scene description give a hint that there may not be a happy ending. In Old Man at the Bridge, the author describes a worn-out old man who is fleeing from calamity. The author reveals the evil of the war as well as appreciates the kind humanity of human beings.

  • 内容简介
  • 本集包括海明威的《埃利奥特夫妇》、《我的老爸》、《大陆来的大喜讯》和《桥边的老人》这四部作品。《埃利奥特夫妇》描述了埃利奥特夫妇十分努力想要个孩子,他们尽可能地尝试,却毫无收获。《我的老爸》描述作为赛马手的老爸,有着自己的幽默和自得其乐的生活。并且用亲身经历和言传身教来告诉“我”,如何做一位专业的赛马手。《大陆来的大喜讯》写了一个父亲跟正在接受电休克治疗的儿子和儿子医生的通话。《桥边的老人》通过叙述“我”在桥边与一位逃难老人的交谈,深刻揭示了战争的罪恶,也表达了作者对生命的悲悯。

    This book includes four works of Hemingway: Mr. and Mrs. Elliot, My Old Man, Great News from the Mainland and Old Man at the Bridge. In Mr. and Mrs. Elliot, Mr.Elliot and Mrs. Elliot want to give birth to a baby but they haven't have a baby all the time. In My Old Man, "my" father is a horse rider. He is humorous and lives a relaxing life. "My" father teaches "me" how to be a professional horse rider by his own experiences. Great News from the Mainland tells what the father talks to his son when his son is under electric shock treatment. Also, it records what this father talks with his son's doctor. In Old Man at the Bridge, the author reveals the evil of the war and expresses his deep mercy to lives, through his talk with the old man who is fleeing from calamity.

  • 作者简介
  • 海明威,美国记者和作家,20世纪最著名的小说家之一。海明威一生中的感情错综复杂,先后结过四次婚,是美国“迷惘的一代”作家中的代表人物,作品中对人生、世界、社会都表现出了迷茫和彷徨。他晚年在家中自杀身亡。其写作风格以简洁著称,异常有力,影响深远。代表作有《老人与海》(获诺贝尔文学奖)、《永别了,武器》等。

    Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899–July 2, 1961) was an American novelist, short story writer, and journalist. His economical and understated style had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction, while his life of adventure and his public image influenced later generations. Hemingway produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He published seven novels, six short story collections, and two non-fiction works. Additional works, including three novels, four short story collections, and three non-fiction works, were published posthumously. Many of his works are considered classics of American literature.

  • 目录
    • 埃利奥特夫妇
    • 我的老爸
    • 大陆来的大喜讯
    • 桥边的老人
    • Mr. and Mrs. Elliot
    • My Old Man
    • Great News from the Mainland
    • Old Man at the Bridge