
Book Review

I had finished reading the book Tess recently. It was so attractive that I also watch the movie. I saw the tragic destruction of a pure woman in this book. It is a tragedy of how the society forced a pure, simple, upright and beautiful girl into a desperate situation and finally chose to kill Alec. Tess lived in a poor family. With her filial piety to her parents, her love for her brothers and sisters, and her strong sense of responsibility-she had to get the family out of trouble, she went to Mrs. d'Urberville's house to claim relationship, which also led to her being tarnished by Alec and covered her future life with a new layer the shadow that cannot be erased. What impressed me most is Tess's faith and persistence. On the night she married Angel, she told him what happened between her and Alec.r Angel couldn't forgive this though he knew that it was not Tess's fault and he left. Tess's heart was bleeding, but when Angel asked hesitantly "Could you Sincerely ask me to stay?" She said "No."They could have lived happily If she insisted , but she didn't. How faithful and persistent she was! I thought. I am always touched by the woman who is strong, independen and faithful. So Tess gained my best appreciation.

