
Franklin"s autobiography is a film influenced several generations of Americans after hundreds of years enduring inspirational"s wonderful, it contains insights of struggle and success in life, and the true meaning of beauty in all kinds of good moral, was recognized as changing the fate of countless people United States essential reading. There is no doubt he was one of the most distinguished in the history of the most successful people. This book has warned people to stay away from bad habits, away from mediocrity. Improving the quality of life, personality, and achieve the goal of self-improvement.   Throughout his life, Franklin is not terribly favorable environment for the growth, it should be said is a relatively bland appearance, was born in 1706 in Boston in North America, has 17 children rank 15 at home. Father was a small businessman engaged in wax and SOAP, into the school in just two years, family distress after dropping out. At the age of 2 brother"s printing shop apprentices, apprenticeship days is hard, but he was an apprentice of spare time to work hard, read lots of books. In terms of politics, science, history, literature, has laid a solid foundation. He also through the skillful use of self-study French: Italy language, Spain language, Latin.   In 1726 proprietary Franklin printing factory, thriving from this cause. Has created a United States dreams tale, he printed and issued a huge impact of the Pennsylvania. He invented the lightning rod, dual-use glasses, new furnaces and modern street lights. He pioneered the North American colonies death without joint slogan and drafted the Declaration of independence was published in 1771 had changed the destiny of the millions of others, of the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin the book vividly describes his process of growth. Has warned people to be positive.   This book much better motto in life is felt in the life of Franklin, read this book not only to realize that life motto, but also in light of its own culture and other aspects of human nature self improvement, each chapter of this book tells are true picture of his life, chapter tells the person the feeling of doing things, and provide me with a lot of inspiration.   In his view, reading is the key to success for his happiness. books are priceless, is he the greatest joy. Give us wisdom, strengthen our resolve, enables us to walk with wisdom, lofty intellect fills our souls.   Franklin attaches great importance to their virtues. Therefore, he himself put forward 13 requirements, are: moderation, live quiet, orderly, determination, and frugal, diligence, honesty, justice, moderation, clean, quiet, chaste and modest man. He has been trying to get to do that, even though he is difficult to fully meet the requirements, but he was persistent. I want to be able to do it that 13 people, has been called saints, and in fact such perfect really rare, but to pursue such a perfect person can make great achievements in virtue. My goal is to develop these virtues in their possession, so I think it is best not to all at once try to, I think it is very difficult to do, or in a period of focus on one point, for good. Such virtue into habit I, followed by training in another. So I schedule an abstinence first the cultivation of virtue, because it requires calm, clarity of thought. Such a cool head and clear thinking is necessary, the only way to keep vigilant against the inertia of old habits and temptations to contain never exhausted. Having obtained this virtue in much easier to cultivate virtue.

