
The Little prince

I am glad that I read a famous book "Little Prince" this semester. I read this book once when I was in primary school. Now when I read it again when I grow up, it seems that I have a different experienceThe little prince is a children's novel written by French writer Antoine de Saint Exupery in 1942. The protagonist of this book is a little prince from an alien planet. In the book, a pilot is used as the narrator to tell the story of the various adventures that the little prince went through when he set out from his own planet to the earth.The little prince is the only inhabitant on planet B612. He is carefree because he is not polluted by the adult world. The little prince's heart is so pure. He loves everything on the planet. He cleans up the volcanic ash every day. He sits quietly on the planet and watches the sunset 44 times. He carefully cleans the baobab tree to prevent it from occupying the planet. A seed floated to the planet and gradually grew into a rose. The little prince couldn't help falling in love with her. Although she was so arrogant and pretentious sometimes, the little prince was willing to take good care of her and listen to her.But then the little prince left the planet and his beloved rose. He traveled to six different planets and met conceited kings, vain people, self paralyzed drunkards, mercenary businessmen, selfless lamplighters, and armchair geographers. Finally, he reached the desert in the earth. He did not meet many people. He saw a rose garden. A fox who wanted to be domesticated by him made the little prince understand the importance of roses to him.Finally, the little prince met the storyteller pilot. The little prince shared his travel story with him. They spent a precious time. Finally, the little prince left the earth.The little prince's rose doesn't understand love. Her heart depends on the little prince, but she doesn't know how to express her feelings. Therefore, she frequently makes unreasonable demands on him, leading to the little prince's departure. But the love between Hua'er and the little prince is still sincere. The little prince is not angry that rose cheated him after meeting the rose garden, but imagines what rose will say to him. "There are so many roses in the world, but only the one that belongs to him is unique."Most of the adults the little prince met during his trip were very strange. For example, in reality, adults only care about their interests and themselves. Without the innocence of children, they may be confused or self righteous. So these people can not communicate with the little prince correctly. The fox the little prince met taught him to see clearly only when he looked with his heart. The little prince also taught the pilot that the pilot is the only adult who can communicate with the little prince, because he still retains the innocence of his childhood, and the time spent with the little prince has revived his spirit.All adults were children, but only a few remember. I hope we can all keep the original intention of our childhood.

