

He took the line by turns with his back and his right and left hands, releasing a little when it was too tight and pulling tight when it was loose, eating raw fish and drinking a little water when he was hungry or thirsty. His back and his right and left hands were cut, and after he had washed them in the sea, he kept on pulling; If your left hand cramps, use your right. In this way, he fought with the fish for three days, the fish finally exhausted to the surface of the water, he was killed. But the fish was eighteen feet long, longer than his small boat, so he tied it to the side of the boat. Can return, the bloody taste of the big fish, repeatedly attracted shark attacks. So he did everything he could to fight back. He harpooned, and the harpoon was carried away by the shark; He tied his knife to the oar handle and tore it off; He used the stick, and the stick dropped; He hit it with the tiller. Finally, his indomitable will did not get good results, returned to Hong Kong only fish head tail and a spine. The old man finally said, "But a man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not knocked down." It is a symbolic paean to heroism. I didn't cry when I watched, but when I sat down to think, I did. Life for some goals tenacious struggle, to overcome a difficult, there will be new difficulties waiting for you, no matter how hard, the final tragedy. Life is a pain, but the pain is our choice. Idiots don't feel pain, but would you like to be like them? As human beings, we must have desires, we must make efforts to achieve them, and we must try our best to overcome them no matter how difficult it may be. I remember cui Jian said in an interview, "I live a painful life, but this kind of pain is the pain of moving up." In fact, the old man in "The Old Man and the Sea" also knew that he had made a fatal mistake, that is, he often said, "I went too far out to sea." Because out of the sea, to catch big fish, because the fish is too big, it was dragged on for three days, kill can not be put in the boat, can only tie it to the side, so in the long journey home by the shark smell blood, to the dead fish attack, bite off the fish, leaving only a pair of bones. This is the inevitable outcome for the hero of classical tragedy. But the old man's valor lay in doing what he knew he couldn't do, because it was "exactly what I was born to do". Indeed, as human beings, we have certain "jobs" that we were born to do, and that is to show our will to live, to show our vitality. To live is not just to live, but to give life meaning. Have the goal of "going out to sea." We may not achieve our goals in the end, we may suffer from them, but this is the meaning that life must give, it is the instinct of life. Real life is nothing more than a belief, nothing more than a force to be shown. Key points: A man can be destroyed but not brought down.

