
Review of Chinese Cu


China has a long history of 5,000 years. Many cultural essences have been handed down from ancient times to the present. By reading the Chinese Culture Reader, I have a deeper understanding of Chinese culture. This book talks about four major contents, namely: wisdom and belief, creation and communication, art and aesthetic feeling, folk customs and customs. These four contents not only give a concrete and vivid introduction to some distinctive contents and highlights in Chinese culture, Moreover, we strive to tell the spirit and inner meaning of Chinese culture, the core values of Chinese culture, further display the spiritual world, cultural character, life attitude and aesthetic taste of Chinese people, and pay attention to exploring the meaningful world with universal values in Chinese culture.Through this book, we can not only acquire some superficial knowledge of Chinese culture, but also enter the deep layer of Chinese culture, enter the spiritual world of Chinese people, feel and grasp the inner spirit and core values of Chinese culture, and get a kind of beautiful enjoymentFrom this book, I am connected with safety culture, and I have a deeper understanding of safety culture. Safety culture is an important part of culture, which is based on the center of " people" and highlights " people oriented; people foremost". It puts mobilizing people's enthusiasm and improving people's consciousness in the first place to study and analyze, explore and strengthen the ways and methods of safety management from the humanistic point of view, and encourage and restrain employees to participate in safety in all directions and in the whole process. The essence of safety culture is to protect people's physical and mental health, respect people's lives and realize people's values. The concept of " benevolence, integrity, dedication and innovation" advocated by our safety technology center reflects the connotation of people oriented; people foremost's safety culture. Shang Ren is advocating benevolence and caring for lifeThe survival of life. Its fundamental cultural foundation is respect for human nature, which is the benevolence thought advocated by Chinese culture for thousands of years. Be upright: Self-denial and self-cultivation are stricter than self-righteousness, treat your career sincerely, and face all kinds of interests with a clear heart. These are the essence of Chinese traditional culture. In an enterprise, culture is the core competitiveness and centripetal force of an enterprise. Only with a healthy cultural atmosphere can we improve the production enthusiasm of employees, thus improving production efficiency and indirectly increasing the economic benefits of enterprises. What a corporate culture advocates and advocates will affect every employee, so that employees' attention will gradually turn to the content advocated and advocated by the enterprise and accept common values


