
book review


The Nightingale and Rose is one of the representative works of Oscar Wilde, a Fairy tale full of profound philosophy and emotional temperature.

The book takes a nightingale and a rose as the main line, and through their interaction, it shows love, sacrifice, beauty and miserable life. In the book the nightingale looks for red roses for a pair of lovers at the expense of her precious life. However, when it found the red rose it found that the two lovers had abandoned each other because of the temptation of money and fame .While she was said the nightingale still song the last hymn for the red rose with her weak voice and dedicated her life to love and beauty.

In his book Wilde combines the sacrifice of nightingale with the impermanence and difficulty of life, which makes people think about the meaning and value of life. Through the image of nightingale, he conveys the idea that life is short and precious and appeals to people to cherish the happiness and beauty in front of them. At the same time, the roses in the book symbolize love and beauty and also imply that they are often destroyed and the flight by secure invasion. The writing scale of this book is full of poetic and romantic colors, which makes people feel the fantastic and beauty of fire tales as well as the philosophy and a sense of life in the process of reading. Wilde show the readers a real and complicated world through the nightingale and rose which made us see the fragility and preciousness of love, life and beauty.

Generally speaking, the Nightingale and Rose is a literary work with profound connotation, which reviews the essence of life and the weakness of human nature with conscience Words and vivid images. The book is not only suitable for children to read but also for adults to appreciate the true meaning of life and feel the beauty and once conveyed by Wilde.


