
Read Review of The Final Probl


After reading all the detective story ,i felt that i was trapped into the cold air for a long time.I am deeply abstracted with the wonderful story.What's more, i have to worry about Sherlock Holmes' safety anytime.Directly speaking,i am really locked by Sher.His extraordinary personaility and genius make me envy and admire him.

However,why doesn't he enjoy his smooth life open to all possibilities?Instead ,he chooses a way full of danger

and difficulty.Maybe the reason is very simple  ,he loves it ,he can't escape the excitment which the blood offers

and he also wants to create a more peaceful world.It all comes from a dream!Boop clamp!I enjoy the advanture

Waston and Holmes take to me.I

I must have to say that our society is eager to need responsible people just like Waston and Holmes.At first ,i was believing it that there was still human in MOritity,but all truth proved that i was wrong .there is nothig in M.

It is nothing.I am scared about M'cruelty,He killed too many people with all kinds of ways and he could get happiness from blood and death.It is far beyond what the normal people do when they feel borig and empty.


