
Book report

It tells that the desk originally used for quiet listening only sees students as a collection of individual people, a kind of unmanageable collection full of personality, rather than Dewey thinks that students are a part of society, in order to educate real citizens of the future society, it is necessary to organize the curriculum with children as the center (or children's lives as the core), take history as an example, children like to hear how people lived in that past era, Then children should be allowed to walk through (in their own way) the trajectory of that era. For example, silk reeling, children are required to reel silk in their own way, and the difficulties they find in the process of self-exploration can just lead to the principle of silk reeling and the invention of the spinning machine, so that the expansion can be most profoundly left in the children's minds, because they are really stumped by their own difficulties, and use their own interests (or the mood to solve difficulties) to complete the development process of silk reeling described in the previous textbooks. Teaching in this way really places students in history or society.

