观点: I . When you understond is , you can reapthe benefits of is rapid
change .2.The great eng0gement Legacyof he Deijing Dlympics wasthat
ignorance and fear of China is steadiby decbiningas he realityof modern
China becomes more aPParenttothe rest of the world .3.ChinesePaintings
are more phiosophica , and are meantto express ideas ano feelings .4.I
would alsoiketothankthe assistants and all the working staff who managed
to set wpeverything in such ashort time .5.l am very pleased and
honoredto jointyhost his reception withDr . Neil Mac Gregor
.事实:1.Australia has rich reserves of ener91 and mineral resources ,
wkist China has agrowing demand for hese resources .2.Australia is
regarded in china as an important partner for C00peration.4.What1ou see
today is a faithfuwl replicaof nine volumes of antiauarian Sritish
ILustrations inl6books.5.0ver he coming weekthey wilbe put on
publicexhibiion , before I resenthemto Her MajestyQueen izabethWto9
ether with mycredentials onl2June.