book review
Fact:1.This great Nation wil endure,as has endured, wil revive and
willproSper. hundred years Later, he ife of he Nearo is
stilsadlycriPpled bythe manades of segregation and the chains
ofdiscrimination.3.Indeed,the m0st ampleevidence tothe contrary has
alhewhileexisted and been OPen toThinsPection.4.theThe Civil War raged
forfour years between 1861and 1865.5W was formed,in fact,bythe ArticLes
ofAssociation inl1774.opinion:1.No, no,we are not satisfied, and we
willnot be satisfied until"justice rolls down like waters,
andrighteousness like a mighty stream."2.1hold that, in
contemplationof universal law and of the Constitution, the Union of
these States isperpetual.3.Fondly do we hope-fervently do we pray-that
this mightyscourge of war may speedily pass away.4.With this pledge
taken, I assumeunhesitatingly the leadership of this great army of our
people dedicatedto a disciplined attack upon our common
Problems.5.Author's choice Ishall not evade the clear course of duty
that will then confront me