


1  Hold the monarch awe,obey his policies, respect people of higher status, serve seniors, and support relatives.

2  Mencius stresses that a great man should have high aspirations to carry out Dao,adhere to moral integrity, stay upright, and his observation of Dao should not be influenced by external matters (as opposed to his inner world).

3  Humans are born with innate conscience and the ability to know and act upon it. The term liangzhi was first used by Mencius, who believed that what man knew by instinct was

liangzhi (knowledge of goodness). The term includes ren , i.e. love for one's parents and yi,i.e. respect for one's elder brothers. The concept is an important component of Mencius' belief in the innate goodness of human nature. The Ming-dynasty philosopher Wang Shouren raised the idea of "attaining liangzhi." He extended the Mencius' liangzhi to mean the principles of heaven, maintaining that all things under heaven and their laws were covered by liangzhi.With liangzhi being extended to its fullest (through self-cultivation and moral practice), it is possible to know and put in practice all moral truths.


