
what are the five

1. Ruler's Virtue (): Emphasizes the importance of a ruler's moral integrity and benevolent governance for maintaining social order and state stability.2. Righteousness and Justice (): Advocates for righteous conduct and adherence to ethical norms among rulers and their subjects alike. This includes proper administration of justice and fulfilling one's duties in accordance with the moral code.3. Propriety and Rituals (): Highlights the role of rituals and ceremonies in regulating social relationships and maintaining harmony between individuals, families, and states.4. Dynastic Mandate (): Reflects the belief in the divine right to rule and the idea that a ruler's legitimacy depends on his or her moral fitness and ability to maintain order, which could be lost if the ruler becomes corrupt or tyrannical.5. International Relations and Diplomacy (邦交): Explores diplomatic strategies and the complex inter-state relations, advocating for wisdom and foresight in managing alliances and conflicts.These themes are not exhaustive but rather represent overarching principles that pervade throughout the text, providing insight into the moral and political thought of the time. Zuo's Commentary is famous for its rich stories and detailed accounts that serve as case studies for these principles in practice.

