Hexagram Texts 卦爻辞 Hold Fast the Golden Mean 允执厥中 Holistic Teachings
宗教 Honor Teachers and Respect Rules 尊师重道 Imperial Edicts 诏策
Intangible Existence 恍惚 Intricacy Within Plainness, and Intensity
Beneath Quietude 发纤秾于简古,寄至味于淡泊 Kan(The Water Symbol) 坎 Kindness 慈
Klesa/Affliction 烦恼 Law Is for Stopping Violence and Encouraging Good
Behavior. 法者,所以禁暴而率善人也 Li(The Fire Symbol) 离 Love the Country as One
Loves Ones Family 爱国如家 Memorial of Gratitude or Petition 章表 Memorial
or Statement to Present One's View to the Emperor 奏启 Modest Prosperity
小康 Moral Instruction Carried Out with Emotion 情教