
The Cop and the Anthem


Soapy was a unemployed man. He was homeless. And in his view, his only way to spend in winter was been put into the prison. So he tried every way to let the police catch him. Such as, he smashed windows or yelling on the street. But the police didn't catch him whatever he did. He was appointed, and went back to the park. He thought this was a chance for him to be a new man. Soapy would to find a decent work and live himself. But, a policeman came to him and catch him. Soapy was caught into the jail in the end.

  In the story, Soapy had met the police for five times. Soapy took the initiative to attract the attention of the police last four. But the police don't "bother" him. Only last time, Soapy didn't do anything but he had been arrested. This is a great irony to the police. O Henry also expressed sympathy for the poor.


