以前不知道杰克•伦敦是可以写讽刺的,尤其是结尾的部分,真是优美。说实话,我很欣赏那个社会学家反击的方式,但同时也觉得悲哀。因为如果是在一个司法体制真正能代言公正的社会里,这样的闹剧就根本不会有拉开帷幕的机会。像是看完阿Q 的故事,笑过之后,渐渐看到这背后的无奈与阴暗,便再也无法回到觉得纯粹好笑的心态。当这个代表着公……展开↓
Patsy will make trouble witn Carter.展开↓
Watson will try any ways to escape.展开↓
The Benefit of the Doubt is a strong satire of unjust law.展开↓
Watson will do as Patsy did before.展开↓
The street Watson lived in when he was a child now becomed the toughest quarter of the city.展开↓
The Benefit of the Doubt