Intelligent, strikingly, attractive, and distinguished by her deep
moral sensitivity and passionate intensity, Tess is indisputably the
central character ……展开↓
She was seduced by a so called gentleman
Alec, and from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and
respected her no more. Actually she ……展开↓
In old China there was a culture, which didn’t think of women as human
beings. If you asked one if he was the oldest in his family, he would
probably answer……展开↓
A beautiful and simple rural girl was forced by poverty to be seduced by
a rich man, yare Deber. Under the heavy pressure of social customs at
that time, she ……展开↓
This masterpiece is a tragedy, tragedy often destroy beauty to teach people to value beauty, and then create beauty, love beauty. Tess in this tragedy is a ……展开↓