Readily Practice Benevolence and Virtue 为仁由己 Reign Title 年号 Reward
Good and Punish Evil 赏善罚恶 Rules 则 Rüpa/Matter 色 Sacrificial Ceremony
/An Ode to ……展开↓
Mourn the Deceased and Memorialize Those Long 慎终追远 Gone Mourning Rites
丧礼 Neither Obsessed with nor Detached from the 不黏不脱,不即不离 Objects
Depicted Nirvana 涅槃……展开↓
Hexagram Texts 卦爻辞 Hold Fast the Golden Mean 允执厥中 Holistic Teachings
宗教 Honor Teachers and Respect Rules 尊师重道 Imperial Edicts 诏策
Intangible Existence 恍惚……展开↓
Classification of Teachings 判教 Clear the Mind to Savor the lmage 澄怀味像
Commentary and Proposal 议对 Condemnation and Admonition 檄移 Constant
Laws of Nature 常 ……展开↓
A Craftsman Must Sharpen His Tools to Do His Job. 工欲善其事,必先利其器 A
Gentleman Is Not an Implement. 君子不器 A Great State Should Assume a Low
Posture. 大国者下流 A ……展开↓