高小雨Contemporary older unmarried girls face marriage to lose the heart of trust, this is why? This question should not be worth thinking about, in the face of serious male-female ratio imbalance, contemporary women's status has finally been recognized and enjoy freedom, and girls are economically independent, achieve wealth and freedom of life, a person can also live very well, why to look for a man to suffer?
洪银I think it is possible that older unmarried young women in modern society do not marry because they have their own ideas, they may be in order to accomplish their own important career, and it may not mean much to deal with the matter of marriage. Because of their choice, we should respect it, and we should not use it to debate whether it is good or bad.
徐曾Everyone has a different attitude towards marriage. Marriage is just a woman who will experience in a lifetime, but it is not a must, and sometimes it is good to have a suitable person, but we must understand the old age. The foundation of unmarried is best economically independent, freedom of life