• 导读
  • 你最炙热地爱着别人时是多大年龄?

  • 内容简介
  • 我刚刚开始自己的记者生涯,一天我想到了一个非常具有新闻性的点子,那就是开展一次“恋爱年龄调查”。我拟了一张单子,打算去采访名单上的人,询问他们关于恋爱年龄的看法。我名单上的最后一个是著名小说家皮埃尔•福舍里,主编坚决不同意我去采访他,因为他从来不接受记者采访,简直就是个记者的克星。秉着不抛弃不放弃的精神,我还是决定去采访他,我的采访能顺利吗?福舍里究竟会作何反应?

  • 作者简介
  • 保罗·布尔热(Paul Bourget,1852–1935年),法国小说家和评论家。代表作《弟子》(The Disciple)(1889年)对自然主义进行了抨击,而布尔热早期的作品也曾运用过自然主义。他经常持罗马天主教徒的观点,主张重回君主制。他的著作起到了普及心理分析小说的作用。布尔热为杂志撰写评论文章,并且写了三卷的诗歌作品,之前他发表第二部小说《残酷的谜》(A Cruel Enigma)(1885年),确立了自己的名望。1895年,他入选法兰西学院。

    Paul Charles Joseph Bourget ( 2 September 1852 – 25 December 1935) was a French novelist and critic.He was born in Amiens in the Somme département of Picardy, France. His father, a professor of mathematics, was later appointed to a post in the college at Clermont-Ferrand, where Bourget received his early education. He afterwards studied at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand and at the École des Hautes Études. During 1872–1873 he produced a volume of verse, Au Bord de la Mer, which was followed by others, the last, Les Aveux, appearing in 1882. Meanwhile he was making a name in literary journalism, and in 1883 he published Essais de Psychologie Contemporaine, studies of eminent writers first printed in the Nouvelle Revue, and now brought together. In 1884 Bourget paid a long visit to Britain, where he wrote his first published story (L'Irréparable). Cruelle Enigme followed in 1885; then André Cornelis (1886) and Mensonges (1887) - inspired by Octave Mirbeau's life - were received with much favour

  • 目录
    • 恋爱年龄
    • Life is too short for a long story.
    • 版权页
    • The Age for Love
    • Life is too short for a long story.
    • Copyright Page