Do you think this book is full of inspiration?If yes,please talk about the principle or enlightenment given by the book. If no,why?
2021-12-27 刪除 喜欢(0)
Yes. Curiosity and trust are important on the way to growth.
2021-12-09 刪除 喜欢(0)
爱丽丝漫游奇境记(第2级)(书虫·牛津英汉双语... Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
爱丽丝漫游奇境记 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
爱丽丝漫游奇境记(第三级)(轻松英语名作欣赏) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
主流创业型企业的挑战和解决方案:兴趣话题讨论 Joshua Klein: The intelligence of crows