

The story is told either on the afternoon of Jane's happily married life or when she is old. The beginning time of the story, the film and the novel have different representation of it. The story begins one afternoon when Jane is ten years old, using Jane's soliloquy, begins quietly, and is disrupted by John's intrusion. While the film uses voiceover to simply explain the story environment, but also highlights the characteristics of the characters in the story. The narrative of the plot of a novel is usually gradually advanced by the way of dialogue between the narrator and the reader. In movies, the story is told backwards or across the plot by voiceover. Voiceover can enhance the display effect of the story and make certain comments on the past events. A film's voiceover can bridge the gap, making room for a visual image, connecting its entire stream of memories, and connecting the story from childhood to adulthood. For example, the film takes 20 minutes to condense Jane's 20 years of life, while the novel takes 117 pages to describe it. Later parts of the film take 70 minutes and the novel takes 500 pages to extend Jane's years of pursuing freedom and love. In the film, subtitle and voice-over direct and simple way to communicate words of timeliness, the film for the passage of time is through the fade, fold change film language combination, such as from a child to become a girl who is from Jane Helen died when the body lay in portrait, as a turning point to adult Jane for little miss Helen. Film is a dual narrative, with a complex and changing chronological order, which mixes the performance of the protagonist on the screen with the narration of the narrator in words.

