

      The book is very short. It has a British style of running, very logical, and a thoughtful sense of humor.

Most people are deceived by an illusion of time. The illusion is that eight hours of boring work is all we have in day.

We get burned up by those eight boring hours, and then we feel like our day has run out, so we mindlessly

 burn the remaining 16 hours. 

       In fact, with 9 hours of sleep, we have 7 hours to go. If we use these seven hours with passion and intelligence,

 we can make a difference in the 24 hours of our day. The most important thing in life is not the eight hours we

 work, but the seven hours we spend on ourselves.

 What are we going to do with those seven hours each day? Most of us will spend our lives doing mediocre work, 

but those who make the best use of our time will gain new horizons in the use and allocation of our time resources 

by recognizing and cultivating a passion for it.And those 8 hours at work will be greatly improved 

by the use of their own time.

Many things we think we know, in fact, far from knowing. A lot of things we think we have experienced, 

in fact, far from knowing that time will teach us more, pain will teach us more.


