


1. What are the four dimensions?

2. What do people in the remote future eat?


3. How do the people in the future spend their days?



  • smer
    Time travelers go to the future and find taht there is no smoke of technology in the future.It is desolate and spectacular.In the beautiful garden,he met the future person-the Eloy people.They are short in stature,,about four feet tall,with weak limbs,fragile features,fair and tender skin,mostly vegetarian,and afraid of the night


  • smer
    The people in the remote future are vegetarian


  • smer
    The four dimensions are length,breadth,thickness andduration


  • smer


  • 朱永祥
    In H.G. Wells' novel "The Time Machine," the future society is depicted as divided into two distinct species: the Eloi and the Morlocks. These groups have different ways of spending their days based on their living conditions and societal roles. The Eloi, who inhabit the surface of the Earth, are portrayed as a seemingly carefree and leisurely society. They live in open-air buildings, wear simple clothing, and engage in minimal physical labor. The Eloi spend much of their time playing, eating fruit, and enjoying the pleasant weather. Their behavior is described as childlike, with little concern for the past or future. On the other hand, the Morlocks, who reside underground and work in darkness, have a vastly different lifestyle. They are depicted as brutish and labor-intensive creatures who operate the machinery responsible for supporting the Eloi's lifestyle. As nocturnal beings, the Morlocks spend their days toiling in the tunnels, maintaining the underground infrastructure, and presumably gathering food or resources necessary for their survival.


  • 朱永祥
    In H.G. Wells' novel "The Time Machine," published in 1895, the author imagines a future where humanity has evolved into two distinct species. The Eloi, who live on the surface, and the Morlocks, who live underground. While the novel does not provide explicit details about their diets, we can infer some possibilities. For the Eloi, it is implied that they live a relatively carefree existence and do not engage in physical labor. They are described as small, frail, and childlike, suggesting that they may have a simple diet. As they live in a post-industrial society, it is reasonable to assume that they rely on agriculture and may eat fruits, vegetables, grains, and perhaps domesticated animals if they have any.


  • 朱永祥
    In H.G. Wells' novel "The Time Machine," published in 1895, the author imagines a future where humanity has evolved into two distinct species. The Eloi, who live on the surface, and the Morlocks, who live underground. While the novel does not provide explicit details about their diets, we can infer some possibilities. For the Eloi, it is implied that they live a relatively carefree existence and do not engage in physical labor. They are described as small, frail, and childlike, suggesting that they may have a simple diet. As they live in a post-industrial society, it is reasonable to assume that they rely on agriculture and may eat fruits, vegetables, grains, and perhaps domesticated animals if they have any. The Morlocks, on the other hand, are depicted as a more brutish species that live underground and work in the darkness. They are responsible for maintaining the machinery that supports the Eloi's lifestyle. Wells doesn't provide details about their diet in the novel. However, given their subterranean lifestyle, it is possible they primarily consume creatures that live in darkness, such as cave-dwelling animals or perhaps even the Eloi themselves, as the protagonist discovers. It's important to note that these descriptions are based on H.G. Wells' imagination and should be interpreted within the context of a work of fiction. Additionally, as an AI model with a knowledge cutoff in September 2021, I cannot provide information on adaptations or interpretations of "The Time Machine" that may have been released or developed after that point.


  • 朱永祥
    The four dimensions are length, breadth, thickness, duration


  • 王梦雨


  • 王梦雨
    There are two kinds of people.One kind of p eople called Eloi.They are well-dressed,doing no work, and pursue an easy life.And the other kind of strange white ape-like creatures the Eloi called Morlocks.This group of creatures lives underground.T hey are very cruel.When they come out of the underground in the night, they begin to kill and eat Eloi as their food. ​
